Melody of the Soul
Copyright B.G. Q. 2000. All Rights Reserved.

ACTORS                       ACTRESSES
Tony-Gallen Lo              Cathy-Jessica Hsuan
Chris-Louis Koo             Sandy-Ada Choi
Tommy-Julian Cheung    Alice-Nadia Chan
Eric-Deric Wan               Joanne-Kenix Kwok
Michael-Sunny Chan       Tina-Mariane Chan
Jerry-Bobby Au-Yeung
Johnny-Jacky Lui

*Some things to refresh your mind =)
--->In chapter 3, Cathy finds out that Alice(her sister) also loves Tony.
She was very disturbed by this and took a walk on the beach, where she
happened to see Chris. Chris tries to comfort her and this was rather funny
to Cathy because they did not even know each other...


The next morning Cathy woke up with an extreme sore throat and a burning
fever. In fatigue, she stepped in Pacific Record, feeling somewhat dizzy.
Tommy: Cathy, hurry, Tony’s on his way! (He didn’t realize that Cathy was
not vivacious as usual)
As the two sat and waited, Tony appeared five minutes later.
Tony: Did I keep you waiting long? You can start right now; we don’t have
much time.
Tommy gave Cathy a wink as he watched her get ready through the transparent
glass. Abnormally, Cathy felt a little uneasy twitch. As the music started,
she began the song, glancing at Tommy’s surprised expression. Her throat was
burning and her fever seemed to have gotten worse within the last hours. She
persistently gave her best effort, but her beautiful voice was broken up and
shaky the way she feared it would. Finally, the song was blown off at its
most important part as Cathy tried to raise her voice. She embarrassingly
looked at Tony, whose frustration only added to her disturbance. Seeing the
apprehension from Cathy’s face, Tommy quickly covered up.
Tommy: That’s OK Cathy. Don’t be nervous. That was just a little off, I
think you couldn’t concentrate. This time you’ll do fine. Don’t worry.
Cathy appreciably gave him a slight nod and tried again, only making it
worse than the first time. Tony, who was impatiently watching, stood up and
was getting ready to leave.
Tony: Stop! What have you been doing these days? I thought those days of
practice mush have helped you, but from now on, if you haven’t done enough,
don’t waste my time like that. Even a person who knows nothing about music
could have sounded better.
Cathy: …
Tony: I’m not going to waste my time right now. You tell me when you have
the ability!
With that he walked out, leaving Cathy numbed and speechless. She fixed her
eyes on the floor in agony and stormed out of the room with the worried
Tommy chasing behind. All the news yesterday that she was trying to forget
suddenly came back, just to add more exasperation. Finally, Tommy caught up
with her.
Tommy: Cathy (grabbed her arm)! Stop running! Anyone who works here knows
Tony’s like that. He’s strict and his words can be hurtful sometimes but
that is purely business. Ask any singer and see what they tell you how
strict Tony is when it comes to producing a new star. Also, I don’t think
he’s in such a good mood today.
Cathy: (screaming) You don’t understand.
Tommy: What is it that I don’t understand? It’s simply a situation in which
the boss is not very understanding. It happens all the time! …Unless…unless…
Cathy: (turned to him and looked straight into his eyes) Unless? What if I
tell you what you’re thinking is true?
Tommy: (let out a small sigh) Cathy, I’m sorry.
Cathy: (lowered her voice) And you know what the funny thing is? I’ve been
told that Tony would at least have a small feeling for me…(paused)…but all I
really needed was a little support from him. I’m not asking for anything
more than that…simply as a friend…
Tommy: [No wonder she always acts a little different when Tony is around]
Does Tony know about your feeling for him?
Cathy: I wish he didn’t. I would have felt better. At a time when I thought
he no longer would be as important a matter to me, I still feel a sharp
sting from it.
Tommy: Listen to me (sat down beside her). Life is never fair…love is never
fair. Everyone knows that giving your heart to someone does not necessarily
mean getting the same measure of love back. Personally I think besides love
there’re still many important things that can bring you happiness: family,
friends, career, success…Trust me, it would be Tony’s loss, not yours.
Cathy: (in a low voice) Have you ever loved anyone deeply before?…Never
mind, it’s just a silly question.
Tommy: (halted by the sudden question) No…before until now, girls come and
go; only friends stay there (smiled). Don’t ever let it affect your work or
your aspects of life. For me, hopefully one day someone will come and melt
my frozen heart (laughed). I didn’t realize I was being so mushy. [Maybe
I’ve found her already.]
Cathy: In theory you’re right. I should be strong and not let it penetrate
Tommy: Remember, there are many trees left in the forest as long as you
don’t keep cutting them down. Similarly, there are many guys out there for
you as long as you don’t turn them all down.
Cathy: (looked at him funnily) What kind of quote is that?
Tommy: Also, prove to him that you have the ability to stand up in front of
thousands of fans in cheers and applause. I really believe in you. You have
a gifted voice and everything a star needs to have. If wasn’t for this cold
you’ve amazed Tony. But now that his opinion on your voice is not that
great, you have to work even harder to bring it to a higher level.
Cathy: Time is always the best cure for these things. I guess I can live
with it (slightly smiled).
Tommy: (patted her shoulder) That’s the Cathy I know! What do you say to a
nice, early dinner?
Cathy: Yeah, eating is a way of calming yourself too. Any idea?
Tommy: What about Kowloon restaurant?

Kowloon Restaurant
Tommy: The meal’s on me; feel free to choose. Waiter!
Cathy: In that case I’d like a shrimp sour-soup and French quiche please.
Tommy: I’ll have a steak with vegetables and a Kowloon fried rice.
Waiter: And would that be all?
Cathy: And a bottle of red Vin.
Tommy: Are you sure you want to drink?
Cathy: I thought I was the guest for the night?
Tommy: Whatever you say.
…The food finally arrived.
Tommy: You like shrimp sour-soup? I’ve noticed that Alice likes fish-bubbles
soup…seems like we have a seafood family here.
Cathy: Yeah, Sandy loves crab soup too.
Tommy: Sandy?
Cathy: That’s my other sister.
Tommy: I didn’t know you have another sister. If you and Alice are pretty
like this, I don’t think I have any doubt about how Sandy looks.
Cathy: (smiled) That was very flattering (poured wine in the glasses) Here,
thanks for motivating me. Promise I won’t let you down.
Tommy: We’re a good team, always.
Cathy: Hm…this is delicious (enjoying her food).
Tommy: Wow, can you finish that duckling too?
Cathy: Of course I can. Do I not look like I’m able to?
Tommy: You sure don’t (stole glances at her as she was eating her soup).
Cathy: (looked up and saw Tommy’s eyes on her) Do I have something on my
Tommy: (quickly looked back at his food) Oh, um, no…(awkwardly changed the
subject) Since we’ve been quite busy lately, why don’t we hold a picnic by
the end of this month so that everyone can get to have a fun time?
Cathy: Hm, why not? That’s a good idea. I’ll tell my sisters. Count us in.
Tommy: Great! I’ll introduce you to my friends there too.
…By the time they finished, Cathy was somewhat drunk from the wine and Tommy
offered to take her home. When they arrived at her house, Cathy had already
fallen asleep. Tommy stopped the car and was about to wake Cathy up but for
a reason he hesitated. He looked at Cathy for a while, studying her pretty
features. Her reddened cheeks only made her look even more lovable. Her
beautiful hair rested on her shoulders, giving her a natural charm. After a
few minutes she finally woke up.
Tommy: I’ll walk you in. It’s getting quite dark (he went over to open the
passenger’s door for her)
Cathy: That’s ok, I’m right at the door already.
She drowsily stepped out and accidentally tripped over a rock on the ground.
Cathy: Ahhh!
Luckily Tommy was quick to hold her back from falling. Unexpectedly they
were inches apart. Realizing the awkward position that he was in, Tommy
instantly took a step back without the sleepy Cathy noticing it.
Cathy: Bye Tommy.
Tommy: Bye (watched as Cathy stepped inside the house)

Inside the house
Sandy: Ey Alice, did you see that?
Alice: Yes I did!
Sandy: Ah ha, so what I expected is right. There’s definitely something
going on between them. Did you see the way he held her back?
Alice: What do you expect? She was tripping! Maybe it was just a “friend”
Sandy: Can’t you tell there was a difference? Then take Eric for example.
How come he doesn’t act like that to her?
Alice: You’re asking me?
Sandy: Well, you don’t know the answer? Then let me tell you. It’s because
Eric already likes you and he’s just a very good friend of Cathy’s, but this
guy…hm, I doubt it.
Alice: Well, you’re the expert…after having dated 9 times and broken up all
9 times!
Sandy: Fine, don’t believe me. We’ll just ask her when she gets inside.
Cathy opened the door and stepped in.
Sandy: Yooo hooo, Cathy.
Cathy: (a little puzzled by the strange greeting) What is it?
Alice: She’s just going to ask you about Tommy.
Cathy: Tommy?
Sandy pulled Alice and acted out a skit of what she saw.
Cathy: (after seeing the little skit, couldn’t help but laugh) Ayayay, I was
Sandy: Sure…There’s definitely something strange. Better tell us now; don’t
make me force it out of you.
Cathy: We’re just friends and coworkers, nothing is going on!
Sandy: Well, maybe there’s nothing going on for you, but you can’t be sure
about his feelings!
Cathy: Yes, I’m sure!
Sandy: Ey Alice, back me up here. Why are you just standing there?
Alice: Well, she won’t admit anyway so whatever you do is not going to work.
Cathy: Good, Alice knows better. Ok, I’m tired and I’m going to bed. You
girls can stand out here and gossip about me as much as you want.
Sandy: Hey, we’re not done (sniffed at Cathy). Woa, you’ve been drinking.
What are you going to say now?
Cathy: yeah yeah (ignored her question and walked in her room). By the way,
Tommy and I are planning a picnic on the last Saturday of this month, so
don’t make plans for that day (closed the door).
Sandy: Wait, we’re not done!…
Alice: Just let her sleep. She seems tired.
Sandy:…Picnic…and she says there’s nothing going on at all?…
Alice: I wonder when you’re going to stop being so nosy. I just wish a guy
will come and marry you off so you can turn to him as target instead of us.
Sandy: Haha, well it’d be the best if that guy were Chris.
Alice: In your dreams!
Sandy: What about you? Remember you’re a year older than we are. You should
be getting married first. Give Eric a chance. Oh, I’m sure he’s going to the
picnic. Hm… who knows, maybe love will develop there.
Alice: Well, then lets wait and see if your theory is true.

After the incident at Pacific Records, Cathy had set her mind to prove Tony
wrong. She trained day and night, practicing her voice and her performance.
Never before was she as determined to be successful. She grew to love music
more everyday and was even surprise to have noticed her own improvement. She
greatly appreciated Tommy’s enduring effort in guiding her every step, but
she never expected that it partly came from the special feeling that Tommy
had developed for her. Increasingly, he found her to be a very exceptional
person in many ways and succumbed for her vivacious personality. Before he
was even ready for it, he had stepped into the web of love. Not just
Cathy’s, but his passion for music amplified also as he heard her beautiful
voice merged in the cadence of his songs. Without knowing it, her pressure
from Tony had directly galvanized her assiduity in working. However, she had
not realized that his place in her heart was slowly altered.

Finally, the day of her second performance in front of Tony had come.
Tony: Ok, you can start now if you’re ready. If you pass this time I’ll
introduce you to the stage.
Tommy: (whispered to Cathy) Are you ready?
Cathy: More than ever.
Tommy: Great, prove to me that my time training you is worth it (gave her a
pat on the shoulder to show his support).
Cathy stepped in front of the microphone. Strangely, this time she didn’t
feel the pressure she had the first time. Instead, there was a touch of
confidence and Tommy’s eyes added to her reassurance. Her mind was temporary
free of all matters and she engulfed herself in harmony. Cathy’s voice
flowed with the music in the sweetest sound. Tony, who sat in astonishment,
constantly nodded in satisfaction. When she finished he stood up and gave
her a handshake.
Tony: Congratulations. I guess I’ll be seeing you on stage soon.
Cathy: Great, I guess this is better than last time (purposely bringing it
Tony: (somewhat embarrassed from his reaction last time) Well, you can talk
to Alice about all the paper works. She will take care of the contract. As
soon as we get that done, we will begin to put you on stage for the first
Cathy: I get it. Thank you “Boss”.
Tony: I have a meeting in 10 minutes. I’ll see you later.
Cathy and Tommy: Good bye.
Cathy: (happily turned to Tommy) YEAH!
Tommy: You did it!
They gave each other a high five and unexpectedly, Cathy gave Tommy a kiss
on the cheek out of appreciation.
Cathy: Thank you thank you!
Tommy: (surprised and felt his face turning hot) Hey, teamwork, remember?
Are you going to celebrate?
Cathy: Let’s save that for the picnic tomorrow.

In front of Pacific Records (Cathy waited outside for a taxi since Alice had
business to take care of.)
Cathy: Ayya, why are taxis so hard to find at this time?
All the sudden, a beige Mercedes stopped in front of her. To her surprise,
it was Tony who stepped out.
Tony: Hi, do you need a ride home?
Cathy: That’s OK, I can take a taxi.
Tony: Am I that scary or do you hate me to the extent that you can’t stand
to be in the car with me?
Cathy: (hesitated) I suppose not (got in the car).
After minutes of silence in the car, Tony finally started.
Tony: I’m sorry about the other day. I know those words were harsh.
Cathy: Actually I should thank you. Because of those words I’ve improved.
Tony: So you’re not mad at me?
Cathy: I was, but not anymore.
Cathy: You should be grateful that Tommy works for you. He’s really good and
helpful…also very caring and diligent too.
Tony: Oh? There must be a reason for you to praise him like that. It seems
that you two are very compatible. [Why do I sense that there’s something
wrong with this?]
Cathy: (laughed) We are indeed.
Tony: (let out a small sigh)… Tell me the truth. Am I very inconsiderate at
Cathy: Do I get fired if I say yes?
Tony: No.
Cathy: In that case, yes. I know you’re a businessman, but sometimes keeping
a cold face with people wouldn’t do you any good. I’m sure you can figure
out ways to change this if you want. If not, someday you might end up
chasing away… people that care for you. (They arrived at the house.)
Tony: Thank you. I’ll remember that.
Cathy: Bye.
Tony: Bye.
Cathy: (hesitantly turned back) I just remembered (paused). We’re having a
picnic tomorrow. Would you be able to come?
Tony: I’d like to but I have things to take care of.
Cathy: I’m not surprised. You’re a busy man.
Tony watched her get in the house. A slightly confused look appeared on his
face. He parked his car there for a while and finally drove off.

Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15